The situation analysis performed in Asuncion revealed significant inadequacies in care for breast and cervical cancers. Furthermore, the lack of multidisciplinary teams impedes integrated decision-making and follow-up with patients.
The curability rate of breast and cervical cancers can be improved by applying established international best practices, standardised diagnosis and clear treatment protocols to the management of patients.
To standardise the treatment and comprehensive care of cancer patients with breast and cervical cancers.
In collaboration with international experts, the project team has developed multidisciplinary management guidelines for both cancer types to support the National Cancer Control Programme in Paraguay, as well as collaborating on the implementation of the Law for Comprehensive Care for Cancer Patients.
Having achieved consensus at a local level, a campaign has been planned to ensure that all institutions that provide oncological services in Asuncion follow the recommendations.
Paraguay’s Ministry of Public Health and Welfare has approved the creation of multidisciplinary tumour committees. Furthermore, a National Cancer Control Plan Office has been established to embed treatment guidelines into the National Cancer Care Programme, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation.Â
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