Joined C/CAN
October 2017

Why it matters
136.8Cancer incidence rate (per 100,000)
6 MYangon population
99.0Cancer mortality rate (per 100,000)
25.4 MPopulation reached
Main needs and challenges in Yangon
Based on the input of 172 local experts and 20 inter-institutional working groups, Yangon has completed a situational analysis addressing the quality and capacity of cancer care services in the city, as well as the extent to which patients are placed at the centre of care.

Projects in Yangon
The 16 projects identified by Yangon’s City Executive Committee are designed to increase patient access to create specific quality control manuals for key disciplines like pathology and radiology, and create cross-institutional, multi-disciplinary groups to address key cancer types – helping Yangon design a new, connected future for cancer care.
Yangon stakeholders
Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health and Sports
Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Health and Sports
Yangon Region Government
Myanmar Medical Association
Yangon General Hospital, Hospital Administration
Yangon Regional Health Department, Ministry of Health and Sports
Department of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS)
Shwe Yaung Hnin Si Cancer Foundation
Yangon General Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology
Yangon General Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology
Central Women’s Hospital, Hospital Administration
Yangon Children’s Hospital, Dept. of Haemato-Oncology
U Hla Tun Cancer Foundation
Myanmar Private Hospital Association
Yangon General Hospital
New Yangon General Hospital
Yangon Children Hospital
Central Women’s Hospital
Yangon Speciality Hospital
North Oakkalapa General Hospital
Yankin Children Hospital
Thingangyun Sanpya General Hospital
No.2 (500 Bedded) Military Hospital
Pinlon Hospital
PunHlaing Siloam Hospital
Bahosi Hospital
Victoria Hospital
Shwegonedine Specialists Center (SSC) Hospital
Oakkalapa Specialists Center (OSC) Hospital
Grand Hanthar Hospital
Pyi Taw Thar Hospital
Thurein Mon Clinic
Shwe Yaung Hnin Si Cancer Foundation
U Hla Tun Cancer Foundation (Hospice)
Myanmar Medical Association (MMA)
Myanmar Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (MSTRO)
Myanmar Private Hospitals’ Association (MPHA)
Department of Non- Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health and Sports
Yangon Regional Health Department, Ministry of Health and Sports
Stories from Yangon
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