The harsh reality facing people in LMICs who are diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer is that they will have to navigate a fragmented healthcare system. This is particularly true in Colombia, where a high percentage of the administrative burden is transferred to patients, there is little coordination between the different specialists they will be required to see, and there is a lack of standardisation without any integrated patient management system. As a result, decisions about treatment are not always made by a multidisciplinary team (MDT).
To improve quality and standardisation of cancer care in Cali
The best way to guarantee quality care, and improve outcomes for patients with breast and cervical cancer, is by setting up multidisciplinary work groups focused on delivering integrated care by implementing standardised management guidelines and treatment protocols. To this end, City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) and its partners are promoting standardised guidelines and protocols for patients in a range of cancer groups, and creating specific guidelines for breast and cervical cancers.
There is now city-wide agreement on the implementation of specific guidelines for the management of patients with invasive breast and cervical cancers. Additional guidelines for breast, cervical and several other cancer groups have already been endorsed by the C/Can City Executive Committee.; Cali’s health department continues to raise awareness among health professionals in both public and private sectors of these new guidelines, and is monitoring implementation using patient tracing.
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