The Tbilisi situation analysis noted that most institutions have difficulties in delivering quality care for cancer patients due to a lack of multidisciplinary decision-making. No integration exists between diagnostics, treatment and care specialists, and as a result, adherence to the existing clinical guidelines is very poor and there are no standardised treatment protocols at the city’s cancer care centres allowing for assessment and/or improvement of treatment quality.
The city’s core goal is to increase both quality and standardisation of cancer care. Multidisciplinary teams will review each cancer case and plan the best treatment for breast and cervical cancer patients, ensuring that consistent, cost-effective treatment modules are delivered for every patient seen in Tbilisi. In parallel, resource-appropriate guidelines will give patients the best available treatment.
This approach is designed to ensure that patients receive standard treatment and management at every level of the care continuum in all institutions, while protocols developed specifically for the city will ensure that all cancer care health professionals follow the same processes when managing cancer patients. This will enhance continuity in the cancer care continuum and save both time and resources in the long run.
An inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional technical working group was created to develop a resolution for the creation of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) in all institutions treating oncology patients within the city.The team also undertook scientific visits to reference centres in Europe and international consultation with experts.
Once the documents were ready, a three-day workshop with international experts on the management of breast and cervical cancers was held in Tbilisi, with the participation of technical working groups, medical societies and professionals from a range of institutions. The documents were submitted to the Ministry of Health and Scientific Societies for approval, endorsement and implementation.
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