Our cities



With the support of C/Can, Georgia's capital city has worked to bridge quality and training gaps, develop specific guidelines for multi-disciplinary cancer management, and facilitate better decision-making through more comprehensive registry data. Patient benefits have been at the centre of the city's multi-stakeholder efforts, coupled with C/Can-focused support on capacity development.
  • Country

  • Joined C/CAN

    January 2019


Why it matters

  • 196.1
    Cancer incidence rate (per 100,000)
  • 1.18 M
    Tbilisi population
  • 113.0
    Cancer mortality rate (per 100,000)
  • 2.97 M
    Population reached

Main needs and challenges in Tbilisi

The following needs assessment is guided by a questionnaire designed to systematically collect data on the quality and capacity of cancer care services in the city. It addresses the extent to which patients are placed at the centre of care by also assessing community access and integration of care within the city.

Projects in Tbilisi

The City Executive Committee identified 12 projects to transform the way Tbilisi treated cancer. These projects were designed to create fresh guidance for cancer care professionals, raise the standard of training for both young and experienced care workers, and develop a brand-new organisation focused specifically on cancer care.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Budget impact analysis for the reimbursement of cancer diagnostics in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, Georgia

Strengthening the quality of education and training

Tbilisi, Georgia

Multisectoral coordination to standardise nuclear medicine

Tbilisi, Georgia

Standardising cancer registry data collection

Tbilisi, Georgia

Strengthening best practices in radiotherapy

Tbilisi, Georgia

Multidisciplinary management of breast and cervical cancers

Tbilisi, Georgia

Standardising and strengthening pathology diagnostics

Key achievements toward sustainable impact

The project team has already delivered a range of achievements to raise the quality and equity of cancer care through effective multidisciplinary collaboration:

Gela Chiviashvili

The C/Can approach is unique for Tbilisi: it not only brought patients into the equation, but also health care providers and policymakers. Tbilisi City Hall, the Ministry of Health, the Patient union and NGOs all became partners.

Gela Chiviashvili
Head of Tbilisi City Hall’s Department of Healthcare and Social Services

Tbilisi stakeholders

Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia
Tbilisi City Hall
Georgia Patients’ Union
Europa Donna Georgia
National Centre for Disease Control and Public Health
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre

Clinical Medicine Scientific Research Center
Todua Clinic
Mardaleishvili Medical Center
Pathology Research Center
Universal Medical Center
Institute of Clinical Oncology
High Technology Medical Centre
University Clinic
National Center of Urology
Aversi Clinic
Radiation Medicine Center
National Screening Center
New Vision
Consilium Medulla- Multiprofile Clinic
Zodelava Hematology Clinic
Health House
Aladashvili University Clinic
Eristavi National Center of Experimental and Clinical Surgery
TSMU First University Clinic
Regional Hospital (Caucasus Medical Center)
New Hospitals
Institute for Personalized Medicine
M. Iashvili Children’s Central Hospital
German Hospital
The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC)
Georgian Patient Union
Europa Donna Georgia
Tbilisi State Medical University
Caucasus Medical Center

Stories from Tbilisi

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