Collaborate to build transformative cancer care solutions from the ground up that strengthen the health system and deliver sustainable impact.
Contact usHow governments make a difference
Local, regional and national governments have a critical role to play in building strong and sustainable health systems, which ensures that cancer patients have equitable access to quality cancer care. They can lead the development of an enabling ecosystem, with the right policies in place to encourage strong and effective connection between key healthcare providers.
What governments can gain
Join a neutral platform bringing together multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral stakeholders to tackle silos in the health system and jointly advance access to quality cancer care for city populations. Access a set of international partners and experts who can support cities to advance evidence-based cancer care solutions.

Multi-sectoral collaboration
Build relations with civil society organisations, academia, professional associations, government bodies and other key stakeholders that can amplify impact and reach.
Effective partnerships
Join a collaborative platform that brings together partners from across sectors and provides a mechanism for joint planning, development and implementation activities.
Evidence-based solutions
The data generated through the city needs assessments provide new insights on local needs and can inform decisions on priorities and resource allocation to maximise the value and impact of interventions for health system strengthening.
Connect with specialists
Tap into a growing network of global experts to support you and your local teams in leveraging local knowledge, and reaching international best practices and standards.
Our partners
Build stronger solutions
54.7 MPeople reached across 10 cities
2,486Health professionals supported
77Global partners
248Institutions represented
Stories from our cities
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