Georgia introduced a Universal Healthcare Program in 2013 which has improved access to health services and reduced financial barriers for the population. As part of the country’s UHC insurance, cancer treatment is available and covers around 80% of costs for patients. However, diagnosis of cancer, which includes pathology services and imaging exams, is not currently reimbursed. Georgia has a significant number of patients who are being diagnosed with advanced stages of cancer for this reason.
To provide the Georgian Ministry of Health with evidence to support the decision for inclusion of cancer diagnostics in the country’s Universal Healthcare Program to increase access.
Using existing data and analysis, the project team will develop a model for pricing standard cancer diagnostic procedures according to national and international guidelines. They will also prepare a budget impact forecast to the Georgian Ministry of Health for the inclusion of diagnostic reimbursement in UHC, and based on this analysis they will provide recommendations on priority areas of reimbursement.
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