- C/Can is currently working in Cali, first city to join C/Can globally, on a gradual and phased transition of responsibility to local leaders, stakeholders and partners.
- Experience and learning from Cali will inform the development of a comprehensive C/Can city sustainability model including key criteria and guiding principles
City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) has signed a collaboration agreement with ProPacifico, an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to a multi-sectoral approach to sustainable development in western Colombia, to implement key actions to improve equitable access to healthcare with high quality for patients with cancer.
“This is the first time we’re seeing a formal multisector approach to address the burden of cancer in the cities we live in. Cali was the first city in the world to join City Cancer Challenge and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved, and we’re now setting tougher goals and encouraging other cities to participate in our initiative,” said C/Can’s Executive Director, Dr Susan Henshall.
A set of projects were prioritised by C/Can’s City Executive Committee through a comprehensive process and are fully aligned with the broader objectives of ProPacifico´s health project for the Valle del Cauca and include improving the capacity and quality of pathology diagnosis in Cali, providing comprehensive care for a range of cancers, as well as improving radiotherapy and nuclear medicine services, and improving information systems.
ProPacifico contributes towards the social and sustainable development of the Pacific region of Colombia by working with actors from the public and private sectors. ProPacífico has led sectorial efforts in health to improve the efficiency of the Valle del Cauca healthcare system through a multisectoral approach.
Given the shared objectives of C/Can and ProPacífico, they have decided to work together over the coming years. ProPacifico’s main role is to lead implementation of C/Can projects following C/Can’s approach and principles.
“More than 4,500 patients annually will benefit from this alliance, which offers a unique opportunity for Cali and the Valle del Cauca region to continue working collaboratively for the benefit of all people and their families affected by cancer,” said María Isabel Ulloa, ProPacifico’s Executive Director.
Cali was the first city to join C/Can, in 2017. Since then, the local and regional authorities have worked with public and private sector to develop strategies to improve the diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer. C/Can’s experiences there will help other cities within our network.
“The political support of local government has been a key factor in including cancer on the public agenda and guaranteeing sustainability,” said Dr Henshall.
Following C/Can´s collaborative model in Colombia, the Secretary of Health of Valle del Cauca has created an intersectoral and multidisciplinary cancer commission that has worked on the creation of a Cancer Control Plan for the State of Valle del Cauca in August 2019.
Among its achievements over the last two years, C/Can has contributed to setting up an intersectoral and multidisciplinary cancer commission, that worked on the creation of a Cancer Control Plan for the State of Valle del Cauca, as well as the establishment of a hospital registry, in three different institutions. A publicly funded cancer centre at the Universidad del Valle is planned, while a City Health Financing Lab has been set up to develop sustainable financing models with the goals of implementing a radiotherapy and nuclear medicine plan within a decade.
C/Can supports the ProPacifico’s vision to further expand the above projects, including in partnership with third parties. As a result of the C/Can engagement process in Cali, municipal and state governments have placed cancer higher in their political agendas, securing funding for the construction of a new cancer centre at Hospital Universitario del Valle, the leading public teaching hospital in Cali.
Although outside of the scope of work described in this agreement, the set of projects will serve as the basis for five comprehensive and inter-related specific objectives for ProPacifico that will be developed under the umbrella of their health project. These activities, essential to ensure the sustainability of the priority actions initiated by C/Can, involve implementing strategies to strengthen the quality and timeliness of cancer diagnosis and treatment; developing and implementing strategies to strengthen the access of Valle del Cauca patients to health care services; generating spaces for strengthening multi-sectorial governance; implementing strategies focused on results-based incentives; and positioning the initiative for scalability to other territories.
For more information on C/Can’s commitment to sustainability take a more in-depth look at this article: How sustainability is at the heart of what we do at City Cancer Challenge