C/Can receives award from Islamic Development Bank and International Atomic Energy Agency

  • Capacity building of multidisciplinary teams to deliver quality, patient-centred cancer care for breast and cervical cancer selected as a joint winner, along with The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (Bangladesh), The Turkish innovator Virasoft Inc and the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program (Uganda).

C/Can is proud to announce that its project to improve access to quality care for women with breast cancer in the Malaysian city of Greater Petaling has been selected in the inaugural Saving Womens’ Lives from Cancer prize, funded by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and International Atomic Energy Agency  (IAEA).

C/Can will support city stakeholders with a  series of capacity-building activities to introduce and disseminate a multidisciplinary and evidence-based clinical decision-making approach for breast cancer in Greater Petaling.

Commenting on the award, C/Can CEO Dr Susan Henshall said:

“Building multidisciplinary teams, creating resource appropriate guidelines and establishing treatment protocols will improve the quality of cancer care in Greater Petaling, at the same time as informing procurement of oncology medicines and technologies to deliver the right treatment at the right time,” adding: “The evidence generated through this project will provide a springboard for national adoption of this approach leading ultimately to better access to care for all women with breast cancer in Malaysia.” 

Over the last decade, the IsDB and the IAEA have been working to support efforts to improve cancer control and expand access to effective, safe and sustainable cancer diagnostics and treatment services. This collaboration led to the realisation that there was an urgent need to further expand the IsDB-IAEA partnership to forcefully tackle the issue of women’s cancers.

In response, the IsDB and the IAEA launched an inaugural Call for Innovation to identify, encourage and reward innovative proposals for strengthening national health systems in the area of breast and cervical cancer prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment by expanding and scaling-up capacities for effective, safe and sustainable cancer services.


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