Self-nomination to join C/Can’s Board of Directors
Board of Directors in 2024
The City Cancer Challenge Foundation is accepting self nominations for new members to join the Board of Directors in 2024.
The Board of Directors act as the governance body of C/Can, supporting the CEO to achieve C/Can’s mission. You can see our current list of directors here.
We are looking for senior candidates with strong governance capabilities and previous Board experience. Directors require a broad understanding of the global health environment, with a preference for those who can bring a low-and middle-income country perspective and experience in an area of cancer control.
This is a voluntary, non-remunerated role, although directors are remunerated for required travel and accommodation expenses. Each director operates as an individual, not as a representative of any organisation. The initial term of office is three years, with the potential for reappointment for an additional term of three years.
The submission is closed
The evaluation of new directors will be based on the skills and competencies required to ensure good governance of the organisation. There is an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their expertise against these skills in the application form.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to provide a letter from their organisation supporting their participation on the Board, particularly around participation in Board meetings.
Note that we have a zero-tolerance policy for individuals who have prior or current links to the Tobacco, Alcohol and Arms industries.
Areas of expertise
We are looking for candidates who can bring some skills in the following areas:
Knowledge, experience, and networks in health systems including health policy, research, service delivery, system quality and service improvement. An understanding of the specific challenges of health system sustainability in low- and middle-income countries.
Knowledge of digital strategies, capabilities, and digital technology and systems. Knowledge and experience in data governance.
Experience and knowledge of the global health and development environment. Experience in operating models in the private or public sectors.
Ability to identify and critically assess strategic opportunities and threats to C/Can global operations. Ability to develop effective strategies and long-term goals in the context of C/Can’s strategic objectives.
Knowledge and experience in best practice corporate governance. Ability to fulfil the corporate governance obligations and tasks set out for Board members in the C/Can Governance Framework.
Experience in city, regional and/or national government affairs related to health and/ or economic and social development in low and middle income countries.
Ability to identify key risks to C/Can. Ability to monitor risk and compliance management frameworks and systems and assess the merits of risk mitigation strategies.
Experience across the spectrum of cancer treatment and care services in either the public or private systems. Experience in the development and management of cancer treatment infrastructure and services.
Experience with financial institutions and organisations (e.g. government and non-government, Multilateral and/ or Bilateral Financing Institutions) involved in public health financing and/ or public-private partnerships.
Experience and knowledge in financial management of organisations including financial planning and performance assessment of non-profits. Knowledge of the fiscal regulatory environment in which non-profit organisations operate.