Receive financial support
C/Can is pleased to announce the support of up to 3 cancer care professionals to participate in the World Cancer Congress 2024, taking place from 17-19 September 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. The congress aims to strengthen the participants’ actions and impact on national, regional and international scales through a multidisciplinary programme featuring the latest successful cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care interventions.
This opportunity is reserved for members of the project team from C/Can city projects, with the objective to share the learnings and experiences related to the planning and execution of projects in C/Can cities. Only participants with an accepted abstract for presentation will be eligible for C/Can’s financial support towards the participation in the congress. In order to apply for C/Can’s support, complete the form with the below information:
- C/Can city
- Involvement with C/Can project(s)
- Professional background (CV)
- Abstract accepted by the congress and its confirmation
The application deadline is 28 July 2024.
Upon the completion of the selection process, C/Can will contact the eligible candidates with the resulted outcome. Candidates will be notified of their application status on 15 August.
The successful candidate for C/Can’s support will receive financial aid to cover the visa application fee (if applicable), a round trip flight in economy class, as well as the accommodation and support to cover living expenses during the congress. Upon return from the congress, the beneficiary will commit to share the learnings with the peers in the city.
Eligibility criteria
C/Can will select the supported candidate based on the following eligibility criteria:
- The applicant must be a member of the project team from C/Can city projects.
- The applicant must be a cancer care professional who is trained in any branch of oncology (surgical, medical or radiation) or any specialty allied to oncology (pathology, medical imagine, nursing, palliative and supportive care).
- The accepted abstract (either for oral or poster presentation) must be addressed to/related with key learnings, experiences and best practices in executing C/Can’s projects in the city.
- All abstracts will be assessed in terms of quality (scientific integrity), potential impact (relevance for the global community), and alignment with C/Can city projects.
C/Can reserves its right to deem this supported spot empty if no suitable applications are received.
For further inquiries and submission of proposals, please contact capacity.development@citycancerchallenge.org